Author Archives: Admin

Women have a RIGHT to KNOW!

Washington, D.C. (02 September 2009) – A woman in Austin, Texas, is the latest victim of the deadly side effects of the birth control pill.

Patti Kelly, 28, was diagnosed in August with multiple blood clots in both lungs. Her doctor told her that if she hadn’t come into the emergency room when she did, she “could have died instantly.”

Kelly’s doctor named birth control as the driving factor in the onslaught of the blood clots that could have caused Kelly’s death.

Marie Hahnenberg, project director for American Life League’ s “The Pill Kills” outreach, is not surprised.

“We are constantly hearing about problems that stem from the dangerous chemicals used in hormonal contraception,” Hahnenberg said. “Women have been told for years that the birth control pill is the answer to their medical complications, when it is only causing more problems – even death.”

In 2008, Johnson and Johnson spent at least $68.7 million to settle hundreds of lawsuits filed by women who suffered blood clots, heart attacks or strokes after using the company’s Ortho Evra birth-control patch. This summer, lawsuits have been filed against Bayer’s dangerous and life-threatening Yasmin and Yaz birth control pills.

“Not only do the pill, patch, intrauterine device and similar birth control products cause great harm to the woman herself, but these products also can cause early abortions,” Hahnenberg said. “The physical and emotional perils associated with birth control are one of the most closely guarded secrets in the pharmaceutical industry. It’s time women knew the truth.”

Read the stories of some of the YOUNG Women who have Died

Check out the Side Effects of the Pill

Also, you will find the History of the Pill very interesting

“Abstinence Only” States More Effective

When it comes to effectively reducing teen abortions, it’s apparent that there are those who “get it”, and those who don’t. In this particular case, it’s easy to let the numbers speak for themselves.


CDC abortion statistics for years 2001 – 2005 found @

Annual census adjustments were calculated into abortion statistics for each year 2001 – 2005. Source: Population Division, U.S. Census Bureau

States rejecting abstinence only funds included: AZ, CA, CO, CT, IA, MA, ME, MN, MT, NJ, NM, NY, OH, RI, VA, WI and WY.

The following states not reporting abortion statistics to the CDC for each year 2001 – 2005 were excluded from the calculation: AK, CA, LA, FL & NH

For teen girls under the age of 15 years old, from 2001 – 2005, there was a 7.5% decrease in abortions among the states which have rejected funding for abstinence only education.

For teen girls under the age of 15 years old, from 2001 – 2005, there was a 23.1% decrease in abortions among the states which have accepted funding for abstinence only education.

The states which have accepted funding for abstinence only education showed a 208% greater reduction in abortions among girls 14 years old and younger, when compared to the states which have rejected funding for abstinence only education.

Overall, the abortion rate among girls younger than 15 years old in states which rejected abstinence only funding was 37.3% higher than in states which accepted funding


CDC abortion statistics for years 2001 – 2005 found @

Annual census adjustments were calculated into abortion statistics for each year 2001 – 2005. Source: Population Division, U.S. Census Bureau

States rejecting abstinence only funds included: AZ, CA, CO, CT, IA, MA, ME, MN, MT, NJ, NM, NY, OH, RI, VA, WI and WY.

The following states not reporting abortion statistics to the CDC for each year 2001 – 2005 were excluded from the calculation: AK, CA, LA, FL & NH

For teen girls under the age of 20 years old, from 2001 – 2005, there was a 5.2% decrease in abortions among the states which have rejected funding for abstinence only education.

For teen girls under the age of 20 years old, from 2001 – 2005, there was a 20.5% decrease in abortions among the states which have accepted funding for abstinence only education.

The states which have accepted funding for abstinence only education showed a 294.2% greater reduction in abortions among girls 19 years old and younger, when compared to the states which have rejected funding for abstinence only education.

Overall, the teen abortion rate among girls 19 years old and younger for states which rejected abstinence only funding was 48.2% higher than in states which had accepted funding.

The Pontifical Council for the Family provides some guidelines for sex education within the family.

Reference links used in calculations:    – CDC 2001    – CDC 2002    – CDC 2003    – CDC 2004    – CDC 2005  – U.S. Census estimations for 2001 – 2008

hot, hot, hot….

Last Saturday was a scorcher, but along with the higher heat and humidity, we welcomed the lower abortion numbers. Saturday the 27th there were 13 abortions and for the 20th of June there were 18. The last two abortion days complete the 2nd quarter for 2009, and we continue to see the incidence of abortions being almost half of where they were last year at this time.

Over all for 2009 , the amount of abortions at 104 Babcock have decreased 46% or by 215.

There were no real incidents to report over the past two weeks, but we continue to see the friends and family members of abortion minded women, come over to speak to our counselors and admit they are against abortion but feel there are limited options for their loved ones.  Its a testimony of our abortion minded  society who puts both, direct and indirect pressure on women with unplanned pregnancies to get abortions. It’s as though they believe pregnant girls and women “who have their entire lives in front of them”, contract some sort of disease, where they become completely disabled and incapacitated, forcing them to put their entire lives on hold.

Please continue to pray for the the abortion minded individuals and to those who perpetuate the lies and rhetoric of choice, and for all of us, that we may resist the temptations to unfairly judge others.


giving some booties away

The abortion numbers for this past Saturday was 21 (keep in mind that all abortions must now be done @ the Babcock clinic). There was a good number of us out there for the first 4 hours or so, but things really thinned out after 11. Thanks to everyone who was out there throughout the week, you all certainly made a difference. The cumulative average of abortions per day (since December of 2007) has fallen to 24.8 with 187 less abortions at this clinic than during the same time frame in 2008.

Overall, there was a lot of activity particularly among the loved ones of the abortive minded women, with some of them brought to tears because they felt helpless in their efforts to offer any sort of emotional support to the expecting mothers.

Some great news from Tammy follows:

Hey everyone,

Quick follow-up on Sat.  It looked like an unusually busy day at PP–which was very disheartening.  I arrived around 10 AM to a packed lot, but with many prayer warriors and some dynamic counseling in progress ( Shannon, Amber, Jeff, Frank-others?)

As Shannon was leaving, she offered to give me one of her little gift packages of booties, blanket, etc.  I happily took one, but wondered when I would ever get the chance to give it away.  Well, time went on, and quite a few people had to leave.  Only Frank, Yolanda and I were left.  We kept trying to talk to anyone and everyone that came outside.  We had noticed a young couple talking outside, that had been there quite awhile.  They didn’t seem to pay us any mind whatsoever.  Finally, about 12:15, they headed for their car which was parked on the sidewalk side.  One last time I tried to get them to take some information–then, Yolanda called out “You weren’t considering abortion, were you?”  (or something like that).  Then, the young man rolled down the window and said that he would take the info.  I told him that I couldn’t walk on the black-top.  So, he smiles, gets out of the car, and tells us “Look, she was going to get an abortion, but she changed her mind!!”  I looked at her, and she was smiling also.  They took all the info about Allied and PCC–and Frank handed them some other pamphlets, also (about NFP,etc.).  Then, I remembered the booties, and reached in my bag, and gave them their first baby-gift!!  I also gave them the precious feet pin and the card with the info on the fetal development. It was an amazing encounter.

Thanks for all your hard work and prayers.  That couple definitely heard/saw many of you earlier in the morning. Your effort helped save a baby!!  Praise God!

Now, only one thing.  Shannon, can I get another pair of booties?

The next abortion day will be this coming Saturday.

Needing a Bump in Business?

Comprehensive sex education? Planned Parenthood’s research and education arm, the Guttmacher Institute now recommends the following:

Health care providers and health educators should discuss withdrawal as a legitimate, if slightly less effective, contraceptive method in the same way they do condoms and diaphragms. Dismissing withdrawal as a legitimate contraceptive method is counterproductive for the prevention of pregnancy and also discourages academic inquiry into this frequently used and reasonably effective method.

Does anyone remember the Consumer Reports assessment on Planned Parenthood condoms several years back?

States With Funded “Abstinence Only Education” Show Significantly Fewer Teen Abortions

abstinence-only education

The numbers* are indisputable, and it speaks volumes as to the mindset of the people who elect law makers who reject the common sense approach to abstinence only education. It’s an indictment of the twisted will, which rejects the biological evidence which reveal the child’s brain is not yet equipped or developed enough to make adult like decisions.

I came across a planned parenthood news letter (pdf) which attempted to prove that “comprehensive” sex education was superior to abstinence only education, based on their own generalized and vague abortion statistics from a handful of “cherry picked” states. To test their theory, I ran the latest abortion numbers from All the states which reported to the CDC in 2005. I compared the teen abortion rates of the (17) states which reject abstinence only education funds with those ( 31) which accept them, using the 2002 census estimation. I discovered that the 2005 abortion rates for teens were 46% higher in states which reject funding for abstinence only when compared to those which accept them.

AZ, CA, CO, CT, IA, MA, ME, MN, MT, NJ, NM, NY, OH, RI, VA, WI and WY need to stop playing politics.

Interpret from this what you will, but the numbers are just too big to be ignored.

(The Effectiveness of Abstinence Education Programs in Reducing Sexual Activity Among Youth – 2002)

* Updated with corrected numbers

Saturday’s happenings


There was another great showing Saturday, and we were especially blessed this weekend to be joined by 8 friends from our Faith Outreach initiative. We estimated there to be 16 abortions, which would’ve been 17 if not for the fact that after looking at her sonogram, a woman high tailed it out of there . To date for 2009, there has been a 50% reduction in abortions for the Saturday abortion count.

We learned that one of the planned parenthood escorts  has a compassionate side which he showed to one of our visiting prayer warriors, and that the “rent-a-cop” for planned parenthood is a Catholic who (in his words, but not quoting),  is just doing a job to earn extra cash.

We’re not exactly sure when the next abortion day will be, but hopefully we’ll see you out there.

We’re in a better place this year, so far…

The latest abortion numbers are a testiment to some very special people who persevere through difficult times, and who remain faithful, despite going largely unnoticed and unappreciated for their efforts. Without the strong core of these committed individuals, we would surely fail. 

The following graphs reflect estimated abortions taking place on Saturday:

Quarterly numbers

monthly numbers

Accept injuries and insults

With the hope that our efforts, through God’s grace, lead us closer to the final victory of true humility. That we may come to believe in our hearts, that we are no more worthy of God’s love and mercy than those who enter planned parenthood.

“Humility allows us to see each other and ourselves honestly, as neither more nor less than what we are.”

Mother Teresa rules to humility:

1.   Speak as little as possible about yourself.

2.   Keep busy with your own affairs and not those of others.

3.   Avoid curiosity.

4.   Do not interfere in the affairs of others.

5.   Accept small irritations with good humor.

6.   Do not dwell on the faults of others.

7.   Accept censures even if unmerited.

8.   Give in to the will of others.

9.   Accept insults and injuries.

10.   Accept contempt, being forgotten and disregarded.

11.   Accept injuries and insults.

12.   Be courteous and delicate even when provoked by someone.

13.   Do not seek to be admired and loved.

14.   Do not protect yourself behind your own dignity.

15.   Give in, in discussions, even when you are right.

16.   Always choose the more difficult task.

May God bless your faithfulness.

Blessings Overwhelm!

March 25


I am happy to report that today a young mom (and her mother) drove right up to us as we stood on the sidewalk.  The young mom jumped out, walked over, and introduced us to her one month old baby boy, Elijah.  The grandmother told us that her daughter had wanted to have an abortion last fall.  Instead, she drove her to see the people at the last 40 Days for Life campaign praying outside Planned Parenthood. The mom wanted her to read the signs.  The daughter did just that, and then changed her mind, and chose life!  Second, we received great news that another young woman whom we sent to the Pregnancy Care Center for a sonogram, has decided to keep her baby and not abort.  Praise God! Third, a young woman had been praying in church earlier today, when she got the “feeling” that she needed to go to pray at Planned Parenthood.  We saw her car pull in, but she didn’t get out for several minutes.  Finally, she got out and told us that she had been praying for us.  She hadn’t known that we would be there, but as soon as she saw us, she knew that God had wanted her to pray for us.  And, we do need those prayers! 

Some days the blessings overwhelm.

Take care,


Human Weeds…Wow watch this video

COLD & RAIN??? Nothing can keep us AWAY! We still keep Praying….And, #31 comes our way!!

Dear Pro-Life Friends….dsc05094

On Saturday, 15 women presented themselves to the “clinic” at 104 Babcock for an abortion.  Please pray for the babies who lost their lives, for the women who lost their motherhood, and for the fathers who lost their fatherhood.

HOWEVER, an extraordinary thing happened….we witnessed Life #31 being saved at the clinic.  A crying young woman came to the sidewalk counselors.  She told the counselors that she was eating across the street when she saw our signs (the signs that all of you were holding!).  Her family was pressuring her to have an abortion and her mother scheduled her an abortion TODAY, Monday…In her own words, “I know I have a baby inside me.” She was just looking for other options.  The counselors told her about Allied Women’s Center is she had an appointment TODAY at Allied vs going to the abortion clinic!  So, Praise God & Please pray for her.






Senate-Backed Stimulus Bill Contains Birth Control Bailout for Planned Parenthood

Washington, DC ( — The so-called economic stimulus bill the Senate approved on Tuesday contains a bailout package for Planned Parenthood that will give the abortion giant the ability to make hundreds of millions of dollars selling birth control at an inflated rate. Specifically, a provision buried deep in the legislation fixes a “legislative error” that Planned Parenthood claims raised the price of birth control. The error is a loophole President Bush removed that prevents the abortion business from purchasing birth control pills from pharmaceutical firms at a discounted rate and selling them to some women at highly-inflated prices. Naturally, Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards was elated by the news. “We finally did it. It wasn’t easy, but after two long years of working with Congress, I’m happy to report [the provision was included],” Richards told supporters in an email. Richards made the provision appear as if it inflated the price of birth control for women even though the lack of the provision merely failed to give Planned Parenthood the ability to make an incredible profit on selling birth contorl drugs. Planned Parenthood emailed its supporters on the so-called error before and claimed college students need the funding because they’re supposedly choosing between birth control and groceries. “Birth control pills or dinner? Pills or a tank of gas? That’s the decision college students and low-income women are facing around the country,” Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards says. But Wendy Wright, the president of Concerned Women for America, told that Planned Parenthood painted a false picture. “If it is truly a choice between groceries and birth control pills, then many women will make the responsible choice to not engage in sexual activity – an overall healthier decision,” she said. “Women will not only not get pregnant, they won’t be at risk of sexually-transmitted diseases and emotional entanglements.” Wright pointed out that Planned Parenthood gets hundreds of millions of dollars from the federal and state governments. She said the abortion business, which posted over $1 billion in income in its last fiscal year report, should pay for the birth control itself for these women in supposedly dire situations. “Planned Parenthood could dip into its swollen bank accounts to subsidize the birth control pills,” she said. Wright also noted that Planned Parenthood puts a huge markup on the cost of birth control pills, so much so that it caused controversy in California.

Archbishop Naumann on Sebelius

Wednesday, March 04, 2009 7:09 PM  by Tom McFeely

Archbishop Joseph Naumann (CNS)

I think if Governor Sebelius was going to be appointed a cabinet post, from my point of view, this is the worst possible one that she could have been appointed to.”

That’s the assessment of Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City in Kansas, who in May 2008 requested that Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius not present herself for reception of Communion because of the public scandal caused by her support for legal abortion.

Archbishop Naumann spoke today with Register correspondent Thomas L. McDonald about Sebelius’s appointment this week as Secretary of Health and Human Services in the administration of Barack Obama. This interview will also be published in a future print issue of the National Catholic Register.

What is your reaction to the appointment of Governor Sebelius to the post of Health and Human Services Director in the administration of President Obama?
Archbishop Joseph Naumann: I’m disappointed by the nomination because of the consistent support that the Governor has had for abortion. However, I’m not surprised by it, because her position is pretty consistent with the President’s position. In many ways, the American people, when they elected President Obama, determined what kind of Health and Human Services Secretary we would have.

Based on her legislative record, are you concerned about the power she will have, in this particular post, to affect life issues?
Absolutely. It’s a very important position, and in some ways a dangerous position. I think in particular of the role she will have in formulating the Health Care Reform of the President. That will be crucial, because depending upon the form that takes, there will certainly be an effort by those that supported Governor Sebelius and President Obama to have abortion considered as a basic health care right or need, and that could put tremendous pressures on the consciences of Catholic doctors and nurses and Catholic health care institutions. That’s a huge issue. The Secretary of Health and Human Services has input into such issues as embryonic stem cell experimentation and research, and FDA approval of drugs like RU-486.

I think if Governor Sebelius was going to be appointed a cabinet post, from my point of view, this is the worst possible one that she could have been appointed to.

What about those who point to her accomplishments in abortion reduction?
She likes to take credit for the reduction in abortions here in Kansas. In fact, I think she had nothing to do with it, and some of the actions she took tried to prevent it. One of the things that has had an impact in Kansas is the Pregnancy Maintenance Initiative, which is a modest amount of state money that goes to help crisis pregnancy centers. At one point, she deleted it from the budget. She only allowed it to return when the legislature passed it the next year by such overwhelming majorities that her veto would have been overridden. She’s just recently, in making up the budget for 2010, deleted it again.

She’s vetoed measures that tried to regulate abortions for the sake of the health of the mothers, much less the children. She says she always wants to keep abortion legal, rare, and safe. Well, it’s never safe for the child, but in Kansas we have some disgraceful conditions in abortion clinics. She has shown greater interest in trying to protect abortionists than in protecting mothers, and certainly unborn children.

In her legislative career she was against waiting periods, she was against parental consent, all of the things that we know do reduce abortion. So, she takes credit for what a lot of Pro-Life efforts have accomplished. Actually, the reduction of the rate of abortion is much greater in neighboring Missouri than it has been here. It’s very unfortunate that there are some groups who are doing this promotional effort for her.

Were you surprised to see consistent pro-life voices like Senators Sam Brownback and Pat Roberts support her nomination?
Not really. I have respect for both of them, and I would surmise that part of their rationale is that a President should have latitude in appointing his cabinet. In a sense, even though many people did not vote for Barack Obama because of his support of legalized abortion, but despite it, in effect they empowered him to make these kinds of appointments. Even more troubling are the appointments he will be making to the courts. I think partisan opposition to cabinet appointments can cut both ways, such as efforts to block the pro-life appointments of a pro-life President.

That’s how I interpret it. It’s not an endorsement of her and certainly not of her philosophy. It’s probably more out respect for that process.

Last year, you publicly requested that the Governor refrain from accepting the Eucharist because of the scandal of her support for abortion. Do you see her status in relation to the Church changing due to this new position?
I don’t see it changing. Actually, I put the responsibility on her not to present herself for Communion. Since I’ve made that public, I must commend her that, as far as I know, she’s respected that. The reason I asked her that was because of the contradiction between her practice and what she proclaims by what she’s done, and what the Church has taught consistently. That contradiction still remains. In doing that I was hoping to provoke, in a good sense, a change of heart.

Unfortunately, I think in this position, she will be put in the position of either going against the President, or making herself more complicit in the promotion of abortion. So I think, for her, it worsens the situation.

The other sad thing for me is that it puts another Catholic who is pro-choice, pro-legalized abortion, on the national stage, with Vice-President Biden and Speaker Pelosi and a number of others. I think that’s unfortunate in terms of the scandal of the misrepresentation of what we believe, to many Catholics and many others in our society.


No wonder the media denied airing this commercial….undeniable truth


The Justice For All Exhibit Program will be in San Antonio this Weekend and the early part of next week. This is a FANTASTIC opportunity to learn how to talk about abortion and debate the facts about abortion.
You will Learn to dialogue about abortion in a 2 step process.
STEP ONE: Pre-Exhibit Training, “Abortion: From Debate to Dialogue”
Day/Date: Sun., Feb. 22
Time: 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Location: Our Lady of Atonement Catholic Church, 15415 Robin, San Antonio
REGISTER NOW by e-mailing:

University of Texas – San Antonio (February 23-24, 2009)
Come to the Central Plaza and Sombrilla (#4 on map):